Not Dead Yet

I have two blogs.  One I post to and no one reads and one I haven’t posted to since August 22, 2013 and gets about twenty views a week. Guess which one this is. Yep. I’m not dead.  But in May 2013 my son was born and my life got Read more…

February Update

Some thoughts today:


I was browsing my stats.  I never realized how popular my Roman Legion Cooking project I did for AT War was.  It seems that that is the most viewed page, and the biggest reason people come to this blog.  Followed closely by my bread experiments.

Norse Bread

I’ve been planning some more experiments with the bread.  I’m thinking that since the mead barm bread went so well I might try to expand on that.  A friend of mine did a project on Norse Bread, and it brought up some great ideas.  I could use the resarch into norse bread and the types of grains that were found in it, particularly in the Birka find, and make a mead barm bread with the proper grains.  I’m not sure if they would use mead barm or beer barm to leaven it, but since both would be readily available it would make sense.  My no research suspicion is that they would use mead barm, as it would impart a light sweetness to the bread.  Based on the types of norse bread I’ve read about I’d assume that they would go stale about a day after baking, so they would likely be eaten fresh and hot.  Perhaps a lightly leavened pan bread….  Much research is required here.


On Food Research

I’m back from Tir Righ A&S.  My shortened research will be posted here later this week.  Suffice to say my coffins went over very well.  I’m not planning on any major competitions for a while now, but I have some minor things I’m trying out, including trying to make bread Read more…

Busy busy

I’ve been super busy with work and projects the last month and haven’t had a chance to post here. I’m currently working on a single entry for Tir Righ A&S this month.  It’s my return to coffins, this time I”m focusing on the coffin itself and am redacting some coffin Read more…

July 8

Had a fun practice time on Thursday.  Lions Gate practice has been moved to two hours, so it now runs from 8-10pm.  I still have to head home at about 9 in order to be home and functional the next day, this created a problem in that I would only get an hour of practice.  So I went over to Blood and Iron on Front Street in New West (not that far from Saperton Hall where Lions Gate Practice is).  I hung out with Lee, the head instructor there and talked rapier and research, then did some warm-up and drills.  I did cutting drills for about an hour, and worked on accuracy and control.

After that I went over to Lions Gate practice and did sparing for about 45 minutes total, against Godfrey and a gentleman I hadn’t fought before.  I had a blast, working on integrating cutting, and trying different things.

When I started this fencing journal I had a few goals:

  • To learn to use the advantages of a shorter blade against the disadvantages of a longer blade
  • To learn better use of the dagger in both defence and offence
  • To increase my aggression

Since then I’ve added a few goals:

  • Knowing my thrusting range better
  • Controlling my cuts better


A&S 50 part III

I’ve decided that since my projects are growing beyond single dish experiments I’m going to change how I count for A&S 50.  Instead of counting multiple recipes as one I will be counting each recipe I do.  This is partly to save my sanity, and partly because I just realized Read more…

A New Page

Greetings; I decided that now would be a good time for me to re-do my SCA website.  The previous one was in html, and fairly basic html at that.  Instead of redoing the site in html I figured I might as well switch platforms.  So here it is, my new Read more…